Howdy howdy howdy! How’s your Friday going?

Mine is busy! I normally look pretty trashed all the time, but today I tried to put on something respectable and brush my hair because I was interviewing Evelyn Tribole on my lunch.
MY most current VIDEOS

Jessica Simpson memoir – open book review
Review of Jessica Simpson’s new book – open Book. The singer and entrepreneur spills secrets and behind the scenes surprises all in her memoir.

Review of the Audible book – Jessica Simpson reads it herself! plus there are reward songs when you get the audio version!

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4 minute lower Body workout for Runners



I’ve seen the sock bun thing around the blog world and appreciate that it looks incredibly cute and is so easy! But, long hair don’t care I don’t really need a sock to make a good bun.

God just blessed me with big BUNS 

Speaking of dieticians, my interview with Evelyn Tribole went amazing! I can’t wait to share it with you next week. I recorded the interview on my magic phone. thank you TMobile.

Aaaand I got a preview copy of the current edition of Intuitive Eating. I know what I’ll be reading this weekend. What a nerd.

I rushed home for lunch considering that my stomach was growling. everything came from the freezer – veggies, brown rice, chicken

and a yogurt on the side for dessert. Kinda.

Okay, so I’m busted. I stopped on the way home from the interview for a diet Dr. Pepper from Carl’s Jr.

It’s just about 24 hours until the second half of 2012 and I thought I must start off with going over my resolutions. Unfortunately, at first glance I am not doing well.

First off I want to make sure things are clear up in RERland. I am struggling with writing about some of my goals and challenges because some of my goals refer to my weight, eating routines and fitness and it can be an embarrassing subject. 

This is an ongoing struggle for me. RER is not like some other healthy living blogs where the writer gained the freshman 15, lost it and now is amazing and cute. Nope. nothing like that here folks.

My weight has been a struggle my entire life. My experience is different from lots of of the other healthy living bloggers out there. I do relate to some like, Roni and Jen from Prior Fat Girl, but am often put in a category with peeps I don’t identify with. I just want to make sure you know what I’m selling Camiseta Sao Paulo FC up in here.

Okay back to the Resolutions…

1. Run Faster.

PR in the half Marathon.

Run a 5k and  10k by March. Then, pr in those by the end of the year.

Update: Not yet. I need to identify my goal races and stick to running hard 3 days a week. I also need to get rid of junk miles and focus on #2.

2. Tone my ass and abs. get in the best shape I can.

Strength train 3 times a week. yoga once a week. identify my trouble spots and focus on those.

Update: Not yet. I need to get complimentary weights to use at home. considering that I work at the gym it’s tough for me to get a good workout in sometimes. I end up socializing too much. I haven’t been to yoga in forever so I’m going to pick an early  morning class that fits in with my schedule long term.

3. Don’t eat shit.

(Eat clean 80% of the time.) cut back on processed food and sugar. No junk food unless it’s a cheat day. eat what I love, skip what I don’t love.

Update: A little bit. I’ve been better about not keeping junk in the house, but I still am way to dependent on man-made sugars. I think I’m going to say “See ya later” to diet soda as of July 1st. That is going to suck.

4. save Money.

Get my finances in buy and save money to be financially ready for a house or baby or step to Costa Rica. one of those.

Update: Yes! It’s going to be a long road, but I’m on it.

5. improve professionally.

Get another PT certification. learn about photography and social media and video editing. get on an organized, do-able schedule.

Update: Not Yet. I’m intending to learn about video editing at Fitbloggin, but that’s not until Sept. I also need to read up on photography asap.


I don’t know if I’ve ever admitted this, but I’m a big scaredy cat! Ben jokingly calls me safety Suzy. I want to live this year as if I cannot get hurt or fail or die. and if I do – it’s okay.

Update: Yes! truth be told I have been doing a lot of things that scare me. Examples: getting back on my bike, Running the RTB relay, going to NY for the wesbisode shoot, writing this post and putting my shortcomings up for the world to see…

I’ve done some thinking and there are some other things about myself that I’d like to improve upon. #1 is dressing a little better and #2 is mindless snacking.

I’m going to commit to focusing on this by getting rid of my unflattering clothes and being a lot more mindful Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Polonia about what I’m eating for the rest of the year. Yes, until 2013 – doesn’t that seem like forever?!

Remember when I turned those hangers in mycloset Camiseta Tottenham Hotspur around to see what I wear? Well, it’s time to clean it out! I’ve already cleaned out my pantry so we’re half way there

Question: how are your 2012 goals coming along?



Sharing is caring!





